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  • Writer's pictureAmy Olson

Nose Bleeds in Pregnancy?

Here’s a good resource about nose

bleeds in pregnancy.

I've also found that taking cayenne capsules, or a tincture, morning and night helps tremendously. Anything you can do to help strengthen the bloods vessels will be helpful, such as Lemon Grass Essential Oil or eating lemon grass. See article below:

Is there an increased risk of nosebleeds during pregnancy?  When you become pregnant your circulatory system must expand in order to accommodate your baby. With this expansion, your body creates more blood and the circulation of blood increases. These changes may lead to some problematic side effects such as more frequent nosebleeds while you are pregnant.

How Can You Prevent Nosebleeds During Pregnancy?

Your nose contains many small blood vessels. Due to the increase in blood circulation during your pregnancy, these blood vessels are more prone to burst, causing a nosebleed. If you must blow your nose or wipe it for any reason, make sure you do so gently. This will help reduce your possibility of having a nosebleed during pregnancy.

Also, you are much more likely to get a nosebleed when the air is dry, so during the winter months, it is important to use a humidifier in your home. The moistened air will help decrease your chances of a nosebleed while pregnant.

Care for Nosebleeds While Pregnant

You can slowly end your nosebleed by following these steps:

-Make sure to sit or stand with your head upright.

-Lightly squeeze your two nostrils towards the center of your nose. Do this for a couple of minutes, and then let go. Repeat this step if the bleeding has not subsided.If the flow of blood is heavy, you may also lean forward slightly so you do not ingest any blood.

-You should call your doctor immediately if your nosebleed follows a head injury.

Other reasons to consult your physician include the following: 

-The nosebleed continues after completing the steps listed above.The blood flow is substantial.

The good news is that even though these nosebleeds may be inconvenient, under most circumstances they pose no threat to you or your baby.

Compiled using information from the following resources:

Harms, R. W. (Ed.). (2004). Mayo Clinic guide to a healthy pregnancy. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.

Johnson, Robert V. (Ed.). (1994). Mayo Clinic complete book of pregnancy & baby’s first year. New York, NY: William Morrow and Company, Inc.

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