Peaceful Birth Midwifery
Amy Olson, Licensed Midwife
Desi Wightman, Licensed Midwife
Home Birth
Natural home birth is such empowering experiences! With us, you will receive the support and education you need to make informed decisions concerning your entire pregnancy and birth experience.
Prenatal appointments are scheduled for 25 mins, as needed, to support both first time mom's and experienced moms (who often need quick check-ins less often). We create a personalized scheduled based on your needs.
Interested in studies about out-of-hospital birth?
Pregnancy Nutrition
Nutrition for you and your baby are an essential part of your prenatal and postpartum care. Amy and her assistant at Peaceful Birth Midwifery have extensive training and personal experience implementing nutrition into their daily lives- during pregnancy and beyond!
While we are grateful for hospitals and medicines, with our own families, when possible, we turn to essential oils, herbs, natural anti-biotics, whole foods/supplements and exercise to build our immune systems and maintain a healthy, happy homes.
Postpartum Care
With so many women struggling with anxiety, postpartum depression and other postpartum challenges, planning and preparing for your postpartum experience is essential!
Peaceful Birth Midwifery will give the support needed with an in home visit after you have the baby, planning and preparing for the postpartum period is just one of the important topics discussed during your appointments.
We offer access to top quality supplements when needed as well.
Birth Doula
If desired, one of my birth assistants will gladly provide doula support during your delivery once you are in active labor.
We want you to have the birth you desire as you learn about all of your birthing options and choose what's best for you and your family.
Lactation Support
Nursing a newborn, while natural and intended can be challenging, especially for first-time moms.
Receive support, assistance, patience and understanding as you and your newborn work and learn together. We also are happy to refer a lactation consultant to you for additional expert education & care.
Birth Education & Choice
Evidence-based & holistic education is essential to making informed choices about your pregnancy & birth. We provide as much education as you desire. Bring your questions to every appointment, we will discuss them and provide resources to help.
In every situation its important to measure risk v. benefit when considering what is best for you and your baby.

"Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear."
- Jane Weideman

Contact Me
Discover your natural birth options.
Complimentary consultation.